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AP European History
Chapter Outlines
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
- Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
- Chapter 14: Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church
- Chapter 15: The Age of Religious Wars and European Expansion
- Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe
- Chapter 17: Absolutism in Eastern Europe
- Chapter 18: Toward a New World-view
- Chapter 19: The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
- Chapter 20: The Changing Life of the People
- Chapter 21: The Revolution in Politics
Chapters 22-31 Outlines
- Chapter 22: The Revolution in Energy and Industry
- Chapter 23: Ideologies and Upheavals
- Chapter 24: Life in the Emerging Urban Society
- Chapter 25: The Age of Nationalism
- Chapter 26: The West and the World
- Chapter 27: The Great Break: War and Revolution
- Chapter 28: The Age of Anxiety
- Chapter 29: Dictatorships and the Second World War
- Chapter 30: Cold War Conflicts and Social Transformations
- Chapter 31: Revolution, Reunification, and Rebuilding
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
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AP Government
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AP Statistics
Chapter Notes
Chapter 1-13 Notes
- Chapter 1: Stats Starts Here
- Chapter 2: Data
- Chapter 3: Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
- Chapter 4: Displaying Quantitative Data
- Chapter 5: Describing Distributions Numerically
- Chapter 6: The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
- Chapter 7: Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
- Chapter 8: Linear Regression
- Chapter 9: Regression Wisdom
- Chapter 10: Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight
- Chapter 11: Understanding Randomness
- Chapter 12: Sample Surveys
- Chapter 13: Experiments and Observational Studies
Chapter 14-27 Notes
- Chapter 14: From Randomness to Probability
- Chapter 15: Probability Rules!
- Chapter 16: Random Variables
- Chapter 17: Probability Models
- Chapter 18: Sampling Distribution Models
- Chapter 19: Confidence Intervals for Proportions
- Chapter 20: Testing Hypotheses about Proportions
- Chapter 21: More about Tests
- Chapter 22: Comparing Two Proportions
- Chapter 23: Inferences about Means
- Chapter 24: Comparing Means
- Chapter 25: Paired Samples and Blocks
- Chapter 26: Comparing Counts
- Chapter 27: Inferences for Regression
Chapter 1-13 Notes
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AP Microeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
- Chapter 1: Limits and Choices
- Chapter 2: Markets, Circular Flow
- Chapter 3: Supply and Demand
- Chapter 4: Public, Private Sectors
- Chapter 5: US and the Global Economy
- Chapter 6: Elasticity and Surplus
- Chapter 7: Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 8: Costs of Production
- Chapter 9: Pure Competition
- Chapter 10: Pure Monopoly
Outlines for Chapters 11-22
- Chapter 11: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
- Chapter 12: Resource Demand
- Chapter 13: Wage Determinants
- Chapter 14: Rent, Interest, Profit
- Chapter 15: Resource/Energy Economics
- Chapter 16: Public Goods, Externalities, Information Asymmetries
- Chapter 17: Taxation and Public Choice
- Chapter 18: Antitrust Policy
- Chapter 19: Agriculture
- Chapter 20: Income Inequality
- Chapter 21: Health Care
- Chapter 22: Immigration
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
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Chapter Outlines
AP Macroeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 23-31
- Chapter 23: Introduction to MacroEconomics
- Chapter 24: Output and Income
- Chapter 25: Economic Growth
- Chapter 26: The Business Cycle, Unemployment, Inflation
- Chapter 27: Macro Economic Relationships
- Chapter 28: Aggregate Expenditures
- Chapter 29: Aggregrate Supply and Demand
- Chapter 30: Fiscal Policy, Deficits, Debt
- Chapter 31: Money and Banking
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The Political Landscape
government: made up of individuals and institutions, vehicle through which policies are made and the affairs of the state are conducted
politics: the process of how policy decisions get made; the study of "who gets what, when, and how"
Thomas Hobbes: wrote The Leviathan; believed humans were selfishly individualistic and constantly at war with one another, therefore people must surrender themselves to rulers in exchange for protection from their neighbors.
John Locke (s): wrote Second Treatise on Civil Government; used natural rights to support his social contract theory--the view tht the consent of the people is the only true basis of any sovereign's right to rule...individuals agree, through a contract, to form a government to protect their rights under natural law. By agreeing to be governed, individuals agree to abide by the decisions made by the majority vote in the resolution of disputes.
monarchy: the rule of one in the interest of all of his or her subjects
totalitarianism: ruler excerises unlimited power and individuals have no personal rights or liberties
oligarchy: participation in government is conditioned on the possession of wealth, social status, military position, or achievement
democracy: gives power to the people either directly or through their elected representatives
social contract theory: the belief that people are free and equal by God-given right and that this in turn requires that all people give their consent to be governed
direct democracy (e): a system of government in which members of the polity meet to discuss all policy decisions and then agree to abide by majority rule; example: ancient Greece
indirect democracy (representative democracy): a system of government that gives citizens the opportunity to vote for representatives who will work on their behalf
republic: a government rooted in the consent of the governed; a representative or indirect democracy
political culture: commonly shared attitudes, beliefs, and core values about how government should operate
personal liberty: key characteristic of U.S. democracy; intially meant freedom from government interference; today it includes demands for fredom to engage in a variety of practices free from governmental discrimination
equality: reflects Americans' stress on the individual; "one person, one vote"--political equality
popular consent: the idea that governments must draw their powers from the consent of the governed
popular sovereignty: the right of the majority to govern themselves
civil society: society created when citizens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as they engaged in an open debate about public policy
individualism: all individuals are deemed rational and fair; primary function of government is to enable the individual to achieve his or her highest level of development
baby boom (s): 76.8 million people born after WWII (1946-1964) ; now reaching retirement age, putting a strain on Social Security and Medicare systems
Generation X: liberatarian generation; 50 million born in the late 1960s through the mid 1970s; experiencd economic downturn in the late 1980s; believe political leaders ignore them and distrust the political process; believe capitalism can be used for social change
Generation Y: people born from 1977 to 1994; grown up in good times, optimistic about future; internet savvy and more globally focused
political ideology: the coherent set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of government held by groups and individuals; the means by which the basic values held by a party, class, group or individual are articulated
conservative: one thought to believe that the government is best that governs the least and that big government can only infringe on individual, personal, and economic rights; a defender of the status quo who, when change is necessary in tested institutions or practices, prefers that it comes slowly, in moderation
liberal: one considered to favor extensive governmental involvement in the economy and the provision of social services and to take an activist role in proctecting the rights of women, the elderly, minorities, and the environment; currently one who believes in more government action to meet individual needs, originally one who resisted government encroachments on individual liberties
libertarian: one who favors a free market economy and no governmental interference in personal liberties
politics: the process of how policy decisions get made; the study of "who gets what, when, and how"
Thomas Hobbes: wrote The Leviathan; believed humans were selfishly individualistic and constantly at war with one another, therefore people must surrender themselves to rulers in exchange for protection from their neighbors.
John Locke (s): wrote Second Treatise on Civil Government; used natural rights to support his social contract theory--the view tht the consent of the people is the only true basis of any sovereign's right to rule...individuals agree, through a contract, to form a government to protect their rights under natural law. By agreeing to be governed, individuals agree to abide by the decisions made by the majority vote in the resolution of disputes.
monarchy: the rule of one in the interest of all of his or her subjects
totalitarianism: ruler excerises unlimited power and individuals have no personal rights or liberties
oligarchy: participation in government is conditioned on the possession of wealth, social status, military position, or achievement
democracy: gives power to the people either directly or through their elected representatives
social contract theory: the belief that people are free and equal by God-given right and that this in turn requires that all people give their consent to be governed
direct democracy (e): a system of government in which members of the polity meet to discuss all policy decisions and then agree to abide by majority rule; example: ancient Greece
indirect democracy (representative democracy): a system of government that gives citizens the opportunity to vote for representatives who will work on their behalf
republic: a government rooted in the consent of the governed; a representative or indirect democracy
political culture: commonly shared attitudes, beliefs, and core values about how government should operate
personal liberty: key characteristic of U.S. democracy; intially meant freedom from government interference; today it includes demands for fredom to engage in a variety of practices free from governmental discrimination
equality: reflects Americans' stress on the individual; "one person, one vote"--political equality
popular consent: the idea that governments must draw their powers from the consent of the governed
popular sovereignty: the right of the majority to govern themselves
civil society: society created when citizens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as they engaged in an open debate about public policy
individualism: all individuals are deemed rational and fair; primary function of government is to enable the individual to achieve his or her highest level of development
baby boom (s): 76.8 million people born after WWII (1946-1964) ; now reaching retirement age, putting a strain on Social Security and Medicare systems
Generation X: liberatarian generation; 50 million born in the late 1960s through the mid 1970s; experiencd economic downturn in the late 1980s; believe political leaders ignore them and distrust the political process; believe capitalism can be used for social change
Generation Y: people born from 1977 to 1994; grown up in good times, optimistic about future; internet savvy and more globally focused
political ideology: the coherent set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of government held by groups and individuals; the means by which the basic values held by a party, class, group or individual are articulated
conservative: one thought to believe that the government is best that governs the least and that big government can only infringe on individual, personal, and economic rights; a defender of the status quo who, when change is necessary in tested institutions or practices, prefers that it comes slowly, in moderation
liberal: one considered to favor extensive governmental involvement in the economy and the provision of social services and to take an activist role in proctecting the rights of women, the elderly, minorities, and the environment; currently one who believes in more government action to meet individual needs, originally one who resisted government encroachments on individual liberties
libertarian: one who favors a free market economy and no governmental interference in personal liberties