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AP European History
Chapter Outlines
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
- Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
- Chapter 14: Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church
- Chapter 15: The Age of Religious Wars and European Expansion
- Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe
- Chapter 17: Absolutism in Eastern Europe
- Chapter 18: Toward a New World-view
- Chapter 19: The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
- Chapter 20: The Changing Life of the People
- Chapter 21: The Revolution in Politics
Chapters 22-31 Outlines
- Chapter 22: The Revolution in Energy and Industry
- Chapter 23: Ideologies and Upheavals
- Chapter 24: Life in the Emerging Urban Society
- Chapter 25: The Age of Nationalism
- Chapter 26: The West and the World
- Chapter 27: The Great Break: War and Revolution
- Chapter 28: The Age of Anxiety
- Chapter 29: Dictatorships and the Second World War
- Chapter 30: Cold War Conflicts and Social Transformations
- Chapter 31: Revolution, Reunification, and Rebuilding
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
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Chapter Outlines
- AP US History
AP Government
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AP Statistics
Chapter Notes
Chapter 1-13 Notes
- Chapter 1: Stats Starts Here
- Chapter 2: Data
- Chapter 3: Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
- Chapter 4: Displaying Quantitative Data
- Chapter 5: Describing Distributions Numerically
- Chapter 6: The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
- Chapter 7: Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
- Chapter 8: Linear Regression
- Chapter 9: Regression Wisdom
- Chapter 10: Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight
- Chapter 11: Understanding Randomness
- Chapter 12: Sample Surveys
- Chapter 13: Experiments and Observational Studies
Chapter 14-27 Notes
- Chapter 14: From Randomness to Probability
- Chapter 15: Probability Rules!
- Chapter 16: Random Variables
- Chapter 17: Probability Models
- Chapter 18: Sampling Distribution Models
- Chapter 19: Confidence Intervals for Proportions
- Chapter 20: Testing Hypotheses about Proportions
- Chapter 21: More about Tests
- Chapter 22: Comparing Two Proportions
- Chapter 23: Inferences about Means
- Chapter 24: Comparing Means
- Chapter 25: Paired Samples and Blocks
- Chapter 26: Comparing Counts
- Chapter 27: Inferences for Regression
Chapter 1-13 Notes
- Helpful Charts
- Video Lectures
- AP Review
Chapter Notes
AP Microeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
- Chapter 1: Limits and Choices
- Chapter 2: Markets, Circular Flow
- Chapter 3: Supply and Demand
- Chapter 4: Public, Private Sectors
- Chapter 5: US and the Global Economy
- Chapter 6: Elasticity and Surplus
- Chapter 7: Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 8: Costs of Production
- Chapter 9: Pure Competition
- Chapter 10: Pure Monopoly
Outlines for Chapters 11-22
- Chapter 11: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
- Chapter 12: Resource Demand
- Chapter 13: Wage Determinants
- Chapter 14: Rent, Interest, Profit
- Chapter 15: Resource/Energy Economics
- Chapter 16: Public Goods, Externalities, Information Asymmetries
- Chapter 17: Taxation and Public Choice
- Chapter 18: Antitrust Policy
- Chapter 19: Agriculture
- Chapter 20: Income Inequality
- Chapter 21: Health Care
- Chapter 22: Immigration
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
- Notes
- AP Review
Chapter Outlines
AP Macroeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 23-31
- Chapter 23: Introduction to MacroEconomics
- Chapter 24: Output and Income
- Chapter 25: Economic Growth
- Chapter 26: The Business Cycle, Unemployment, Inflation
- Chapter 27: Macro Economic Relationships
- Chapter 28: Aggregate Expenditures
- Chapter 29: Aggregrate Supply and Demand
- Chapter 30: Fiscal Policy, Deficits, Debt
- Chapter 31: Money and Banking
- Outlines for Chapters 32-38 >
Outlines for Chapters 23-31
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Economic Policy (Monetary/Fiscal)
Interstate Commerce Commission (1887): required that railroad rates be just and reasonable. Also prohibited pooling, rate discrimination, and charging more for longer hauls.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890): Section 1 prohibits all restraints of trade, including price-fixing, bid-rigging, and market allocation agreements. Section 2 prohibits monopolization.
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906): prohibited the mislabeling of foods and drugs.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914): prohibited unfair business practices such as price discrimination, exclusive dealing contracts, and corporate mergers that lessened competition. Sought to prevent monopolies and trusts.
16th Amendment (1913): authorized the national government to “lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived” without being apportioned among the states.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1933): insures bank deposits, originally for $5,000 per account.
Securities and Exchange Commission (1934): independent regulatory commission. It’s authorized to regulate the stock exchanges, to enforce the Securities Act (investors be given full info on stocks or securities being offered to them), and reduce the numb#r of stocks bought on margin (with borrowed money).
National Labor Relations Act (1935): guaranteed workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively through unions of their choosing.
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938): set 25 cents an hour and 44 hours a week as initial minimum standards. Also banned child labor. Didn’t protect farmers, domestic workers, fishermen, etc.
Federal Communications Commission (1935): Was given extensive jurisdiction over the radio, telephone, and telegraph industries.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (1966): Guarantees workers a safe and healthy workplace, but contains no health and safety standards with which workplaces must comply.
Deregulation: reduction in market controls.
Airline Deregulation Act (1978): Completely eliminated economic regulation of commercial airlines over several years.
Monetary Policy: A form of government regulation in which the nation’s money supply and interest rates are controlled.
Federal Reserve Board: A seven-member board that sets member banks’ reserve requirements, controls the discount rate, and makes other economic decisions.
Reserve requirements: Governmental requirements that a portion of member banks’ deposits must be retained to back loans made.
Discount rate: The rate of interest at which member banks can borrow money from their regional Federal Reserve Board.
Open market operations: The buying and selling of government securities by the Federal Reserve Bank in the securities market.
Fiscal policy: Federal gov. policies on taxes, spending, and dept management, intended to promote the nation’s macroeconomic goals, particularly with respect to employment, price stability, and growth.
Clean Air Act (1970): Directs the EPA to set standards for motor vehicle emissions, air quality, hazardous air pollutants, and new sources of pollution; to prevent significant deterioration of air quality in clean air areas; to reduce stratospheric ozone depletion; and to control acid rain through emissions trading system.
Clean Water Act (1972): Creates a federal grant program to finance sewage treatment plant construction, authorizes technological standards to reduce water pollution, and establishes programs to control non-point-source pollution, such as runoff from parking lots and livestock feedlots.
National Environmental Policy Act (1969): Requires agencies taking actions that will have a major impact on the environment to prepare environmental impact statements (EISs), which are subject to review by the EPA.
Superfund: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act: provides for the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sights
Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890): Section 1 prohibits all restraints of trade, including price-fixing, bid-rigging, and market allocation agreements. Section 2 prohibits monopolization.
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906): prohibited the mislabeling of foods and drugs.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914): prohibited unfair business practices such as price discrimination, exclusive dealing contracts, and corporate mergers that lessened competition. Sought to prevent monopolies and trusts.
16th Amendment (1913): authorized the national government to “lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived” without being apportioned among the states.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1933): insures bank deposits, originally for $5,000 per account.
Securities and Exchange Commission (1934): independent regulatory commission. It’s authorized to regulate the stock exchanges, to enforce the Securities Act (investors be given full info on stocks or securities being offered to them), and reduce the numb#r of stocks bought on margin (with borrowed money).
National Labor Relations Act (1935): guaranteed workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively through unions of their choosing.
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938): set 25 cents an hour and 44 hours a week as initial minimum standards. Also banned child labor. Didn’t protect farmers, domestic workers, fishermen, etc.
Federal Communications Commission (1935): Was given extensive jurisdiction over the radio, telephone, and telegraph industries.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (1966): Guarantees workers a safe and healthy workplace, but contains no health and safety standards with which workplaces must comply.
Deregulation: reduction in market controls.
Airline Deregulation Act (1978): Completely eliminated economic regulation of commercial airlines over several years.
Monetary Policy: A form of government regulation in which the nation’s money supply and interest rates are controlled.
Federal Reserve Board: A seven-member board that sets member banks’ reserve requirements, controls the discount rate, and makes other economic decisions.
Reserve requirements: Governmental requirements that a portion of member banks’ deposits must be retained to back loans made.
Discount rate: The rate of interest at which member banks can borrow money from their regional Federal Reserve Board.
Open market operations: The buying and selling of government securities by the Federal Reserve Bank in the securities market.
Fiscal policy: Federal gov. policies on taxes, spending, and dept management, intended to promote the nation’s macroeconomic goals, particularly with respect to employment, price stability, and growth.
Clean Air Act (1970): Directs the EPA to set standards for motor vehicle emissions, air quality, hazardous air pollutants, and new sources of pollution; to prevent significant deterioration of air quality in clean air areas; to reduce stratospheric ozone depletion; and to control acid rain through emissions trading system.
Clean Water Act (1972): Creates a federal grant program to finance sewage treatment plant construction, authorizes technological standards to reduce water pollution, and establishes programs to control non-point-source pollution, such as runoff from parking lots and livestock feedlots.
National Environmental Policy Act (1969): Requires agencies taking actions that will have a major impact on the environment to prepare environmental impact statements (EISs), which are subject to review by the EPA.
Superfund: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act: provides for the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sights