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AP European History
Chapter Outlines
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
- Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
- Chapter 14: Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church
- Chapter 15: The Age of Religious Wars and European Expansion
- Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe
- Chapter 17: Absolutism in Eastern Europe
- Chapter 18: Toward a New World-view
- Chapter 19: The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
- Chapter 20: The Changing Life of the People
- Chapter 21: The Revolution in Politics
Chapters 22-31 Outlines
- Chapter 22: The Revolution in Energy and Industry
- Chapter 23: Ideologies and Upheavals
- Chapter 24: Life in the Emerging Urban Society
- Chapter 25: The Age of Nationalism
- Chapter 26: The West and the World
- Chapter 27: The Great Break: War and Revolution
- Chapter 28: The Age of Anxiety
- Chapter 29: Dictatorships and the Second World War
- Chapter 30: Cold War Conflicts and Social Transformations
- Chapter 31: Revolution, Reunification, and Rebuilding
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
- Extra Resources
- AP Review
Chapter Outlines
- AP US History
AP Government
- AP Calculus
AP Statistics
Chapter Notes
Chapter 1-13 Notes
- Chapter 1: Stats Starts Here
- Chapter 2: Data
- Chapter 3: Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
- Chapter 4: Displaying Quantitative Data
- Chapter 5: Describing Distributions Numerically
- Chapter 6: The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
- Chapter 7: Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
- Chapter 8: Linear Regression
- Chapter 9: Regression Wisdom
- Chapter 10: Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight
- Chapter 11: Understanding Randomness
- Chapter 12: Sample Surveys
- Chapter 13: Experiments and Observational Studies
Chapter 14-27 Notes
- Chapter 14: From Randomness to Probability
- Chapter 15: Probability Rules!
- Chapter 16: Random Variables
- Chapter 17: Probability Models
- Chapter 18: Sampling Distribution Models
- Chapter 19: Confidence Intervals for Proportions
- Chapter 20: Testing Hypotheses about Proportions
- Chapter 21: More about Tests
- Chapter 22: Comparing Two Proportions
- Chapter 23: Inferences about Means
- Chapter 24: Comparing Means
- Chapter 25: Paired Samples and Blocks
- Chapter 26: Comparing Counts
- Chapter 27: Inferences for Regression
Chapter 1-13 Notes
- Helpful Charts
- Video Lectures
- AP Review
Chapter Notes
AP Microeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
- Chapter 1: Limits and Choices
- Chapter 2: Markets, Circular Flow
- Chapter 3: Supply and Demand
- Chapter 4: Public, Private Sectors
- Chapter 5: US and the Global Economy
- Chapter 6: Elasticity and Surplus
- Chapter 7: Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 8: Costs of Production
- Chapter 9: Pure Competition
- Chapter 10: Pure Monopoly
Outlines for Chapters 11-22
- Chapter 11: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
- Chapter 12: Resource Demand
- Chapter 13: Wage Determinants
- Chapter 14: Rent, Interest, Profit
- Chapter 15: Resource/Energy Economics
- Chapter 16: Public Goods, Externalities, Information Asymmetries
- Chapter 17: Taxation and Public Choice
- Chapter 18: Antitrust Policy
- Chapter 19: Agriculture
- Chapter 20: Income Inequality
- Chapter 21: Health Care
- Chapter 22: Immigration
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
- Notes
- AP Review
Chapter Outlines
AP Macroeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 23-31
- Chapter 23: Introduction to MacroEconomics
- Chapter 24: Output and Income
- Chapter 25: Economic Growth
- Chapter 26: The Business Cycle, Unemployment, Inflation
- Chapter 27: Macro Economic Relationships
- Chapter 28: Aggregate Expenditures
- Chapter 29: Aggregrate Supply and Demand
- Chapter 30: Fiscal Policy, Deficits, Debt
- Chapter 31: Money and Banking
- Outlines for Chapters 32-38 >
Outlines for Chapters 23-31
- Notes
- AP Review
Chapter Outlines
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AP Review
So it's May...
We all know what that means. It's time to get a 5 on that AP Government Exam!
Now we recommend that you cram cram cram! Anyone who says just go to sleep early and eat a good breakfast, well they're crazy. Now you may ask how much should I know for the AP Exam? We advise you to take a practice AP Government Exam (Old AP Exams) and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Data has shown that knowing extra information doesn't hurt you, but in fact may help you. With that being said, cram all you can! :)
We all here at All Things AP hope to help you achieve that 5 on that AP Government Exam. Heck we paid $87 for the exam.
Please check out the AP Review materials below and above all...Good Luck!
We all know what that means. It's time to get a 5 on that AP Government Exam!
Now we recommend that you cram cram cram! Anyone who says just go to sleep early and eat a good breakfast, well they're crazy. Now you may ask how much should I know for the AP Exam? We advise you to take a practice AP Government Exam (Old AP Exams) and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Data has shown that knowing extra information doesn't hurt you, but in fact may help you. With that being said, cram all you can! :)
We all here at All Things AP hope to help you achieve that 5 on that AP Government Exam. Heck we paid $87 for the exam.
Please check out the AP Review materials below and above all...Good Luck!
What is the AP Government Exam?
This course covers the central facts, theories, and concepts of the U.S. government and the political system. Students must understand the political process, analyze and interpret data, and be able to critically analyze relevant concepts and theories. The topics covered are:
1.) The constitutional underpinnings of the U.S. Government.
2.) Political beliefs and behaviors.
3.) Political parties, interest groups, and mass media.
4.) Institutions of national government.
5.) Public policy.
6.) Civil rights and civil liberties.
The AP Government Exam format is:
Multiple-Choice Questions (45 minutes)
-60 multiple choice questions
Free-Response Questions (100 minutes)
-4 free response questions
The FRQ section of the exam consists of 4 essay questions. Students are expected to integrate knowledge from different content areas, analyze political relationships, and incorporate specific examples into their response. Students may also be asked to analyze and interpret data from a chart or graph.
1.) The constitutional underpinnings of the U.S. Government.
2.) Political beliefs and behaviors.
3.) Political parties, interest groups, and mass media.
4.) Institutions of national government.
5.) Public policy.
6.) Civil rights and civil liberties.
The AP Government Exam format is:
Multiple-Choice Questions (45 minutes)
-60 multiple choice questions
Free-Response Questions (100 minutes)
-4 free response questions
The FRQ section of the exam consists of 4 essay questions. Students are expected to integrate knowledge from different content areas, analyze political relationships, and incorporate specific examples into their response. Students may also be asked to analyze and interpret data from a chart or graph.
AP Government Cram Packet
This is what it says it is. Cram packet :)
Cram away!
Cram away!

AP Government Cram Packet.doc | |
File Size: | 208 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Video Lecture Review
For those of you who may find yourself weak in a specific unit for AP Government. This is for you. Click on this link to view over 50+ videos on various subjects pertinent to know for the AP Exam. We also advise you to return to the video lectures by Hughes.
Practice Complete AP Government Exams
Here is the released 2008 AP Government Exam from Collegeboard.

2008 AP Govt Exam.pdf | |
File Size: | 444 kb |
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Here is another released exam by Collegeboard. This was the actual 1999 AP Government Exam given by Collegeboard. We only recommend this for getting a feel for the AP format.

1999 AP Govt Exam.pdf | |
File Size: | 5736 kb |
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Here is another complete AP Government Exam. This one was created by Max Score. We found the answers very thorough and very helpful.

AP Govt Exam by Max Score.pdf | |
File Size: | 2299 kb |
File Type: |
*Most AP teachers do have more released exams from Collegeboard, so if you want more practice, it doesn't hurt to ask your teacher!*
Our Recommendations
We, the All Things AP team, recommend the following in no particular preferential order.
The CliffsNotes Edition which can be bought from Amazon. Click this link to be directed to the page
REA Crash Course which again can be bought from Amazon. Click this link to be directed to the page
Barrons - We have found to be very detailed (perhaps too much so). Click this link to be directed to the page. The AP Practice Exams were very similar to the AP Exam, thus we recommend this for the Practice Exams.
Princeton Review - Quite easy to understand and is very concise. The downside is the AP Practice Exams, we felt were not up to AP standard. Click this link to be directed to the page.
The CliffsNotes Edition which can be bought from Amazon. Click this link to be directed to the page
REA Crash Course which again can be bought from Amazon. Click this link to be directed to the page
Barrons - We have found to be very detailed (perhaps too much so). Click this link to be directed to the page. The AP Practice Exams were very similar to the AP Exam, thus we recommend this for the Practice Exams.
Princeton Review - Quite easy to understand and is very concise. The downside is the AP Practice Exams, we felt were not up to AP standard. Click this link to be directed to the page.