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AP European History
Chapter Outlines
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
- Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
- Chapter 14: Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church
- Chapter 15: The Age of Religious Wars and European Expansion
- Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe
- Chapter 17: Absolutism in Eastern Europe
- Chapter 18: Toward a New World-view
- Chapter 19: The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
- Chapter 20: The Changing Life of the People
- Chapter 21: The Revolution in Politics
Chapters 22-31 Outlines
- Chapter 22: The Revolution in Energy and Industry
- Chapter 23: Ideologies and Upheavals
- Chapter 24: Life in the Emerging Urban Society
- Chapter 25: The Age of Nationalism
- Chapter 26: The West and the World
- Chapter 27: The Great Break: War and Revolution
- Chapter 28: The Age of Anxiety
- Chapter 29: Dictatorships and the Second World War
- Chapter 30: Cold War Conflicts and Social Transformations
- Chapter 31: Revolution, Reunification, and Rebuilding
Chapters 13-21 Outlines
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Chapter Notes
Chapter 1-13 Notes
- Chapter 1: Stats Starts Here
- Chapter 2: Data
- Chapter 3: Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
- Chapter 4: Displaying Quantitative Data
- Chapter 5: Describing Distributions Numerically
- Chapter 6: The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
- Chapter 7: Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
- Chapter 8: Linear Regression
- Chapter 9: Regression Wisdom
- Chapter 10: Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight
- Chapter 11: Understanding Randomness
- Chapter 12: Sample Surveys
- Chapter 13: Experiments and Observational Studies
Chapter 14-27 Notes
- Chapter 14: From Randomness to Probability
- Chapter 15: Probability Rules!
- Chapter 16: Random Variables
- Chapter 17: Probability Models
- Chapter 18: Sampling Distribution Models
- Chapter 19: Confidence Intervals for Proportions
- Chapter 20: Testing Hypotheses about Proportions
- Chapter 21: More about Tests
- Chapter 22: Comparing Two Proportions
- Chapter 23: Inferences about Means
- Chapter 24: Comparing Means
- Chapter 25: Paired Samples and Blocks
- Chapter 26: Comparing Counts
- Chapter 27: Inferences for Regression
Chapter 1-13 Notes
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AP Microeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
- Chapter 1: Limits and Choices
- Chapter 2: Markets, Circular Flow
- Chapter 3: Supply and Demand
- Chapter 4: Public, Private Sectors
- Chapter 5: US and the Global Economy
- Chapter 6: Elasticity and Surplus
- Chapter 7: Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 8: Costs of Production
- Chapter 9: Pure Competition
- Chapter 10: Pure Monopoly
Outlines for Chapters 11-22
- Chapter 11: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
- Chapter 12: Resource Demand
- Chapter 13: Wage Determinants
- Chapter 14: Rent, Interest, Profit
- Chapter 15: Resource/Energy Economics
- Chapter 16: Public Goods, Externalities, Information Asymmetries
- Chapter 17: Taxation and Public Choice
- Chapter 18: Antitrust Policy
- Chapter 19: Agriculture
- Chapter 20: Income Inequality
- Chapter 21: Health Care
- Chapter 22: Immigration
Outlines for Chapters 1-10
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- AP Review
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AP Macroeconomics
Chapter Outlines
Outlines for Chapters 23-31
- Chapter 23: Introduction to MacroEconomics
- Chapter 24: Output and Income
- Chapter 25: Economic Growth
- Chapter 26: The Business Cycle, Unemployment, Inflation
- Chapter 27: Macro Economic Relationships
- Chapter 28: Aggregate Expenditures
- Chapter 29: Aggregrate Supply and Demand
- Chapter 30: Fiscal Policy, Deficits, Debt
- Chapter 31: Money and Banking
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Chapter 24 Outline
- Taming the city
- Industry and the growth of cities
- Deplorable urban conditions of congestion, filth, and disease existed long before the Industrial Revolution.
- The Industrial Revolution and population growth made urban reform necessary.
- In Britain, the percentage of population living in cities of 20,000 or more jumped from 17 percent in 1801 to 54 percent in 1891.
- Housing was crowded and poor, and living conditions unhealthy.
- Many people lived in sewerage and excrement.
- What was responsible for the awful conditions?
- A lack of transportation, which necessitated the crowding, and the slowness of government enforcement of sanitary codes contributed to the problem.
- The legacy of rural housing also contributed to the problem.
- Public health and the bacterial revolution
- The reformer Chadwick was influenced by Bentham's ideas of the greatest good for the greatest number.
- He believed that cleaning the city would curtail disease.
- He proposed the installation of running water and sewers.
- New sanitation methods and public health laws were adopted all over Europe from the 1840s on.
- The reformer Chadwick was influenced by Bentham's ideas of the greatest good for the greatest number.
- The bacterial revolution
- The prevailing theory of disease (the miasmatic theory) was that it was caused by bad odors.
- Pasteur's theory that germs caused disease was a major breakthrough, and its application meant disease could be controlled through vaccines.
- Based on the work of Koch and others, the organisms responsible for many diseases were identified and effective vaccines developed.
- Lister developed the concept of sterilization of wounds.
- Mortality rates began to decline rapidly in European countries.
- Urban planning and public transportation
- Better urban planning contributed to improved living conditions.
- After 1850, Paris was transformed by the urban planning of Haussmann and became a model city.
- Broad, straight, treelined boulevards cut through the center of the city.
- Parks were created throughout the city.
- Sewers were improved and aqueducts built.
- Zoning expropriation laws were a major tool of the new urbanism.
- Electric streetcars revolutionized urban life and enabled the cities to expand.
- Industry and the growth of cities
- Rich and poor and those in between
- Social structure
- Between about 1850 and 1906, the standard of living for the average person improved substantially.
- But differences in wealth continued to be enormous; society remained stratified in a number of classes.
- The middle classes
- The upper middle class was composed of successful business families who were attracted to the aristocratic lifestyle.
- The middle middleclass group contained merchants, lawyers, and doctors--people who were well off but not wealthy.
- Next came the lower middle class: shopkeepers, small businessmen, and whitecollar workers.
- Experts, such as engineers, chemists, accountants, and managers, were also considered members of the middle class, as were those in public and private management.
- Teachers, dentists, and nurses rose up the ladder to become middle class.
- Middle-class culture united these sub-classes
- The middleclass lifestyle included large meals, dinner parties, servants, an interest in fashionable dressing, and good education.
- Their code of expected behavior stressed hard work, selfdiscipline, religion, and restraint from vices.
- The working classes
- The vast majority of people (4 out of 5) belonged to the working class, yet the class had varying lifestyles and little unity.
- The most highly skilled workers constituted a fluid "labor aristocracy."
- They developed a lifestyle of stern morality.
- They considered themselves the leaders of the working class.
- They had strong political and philosophical beliefs.
- Next came the semiskilled and unskilled urban workers.
- Many workers in the crafts and factory work were part of the semiskilled.
- Domestic servants, mostly female, were a large unskilled subgroup.
- Women employed in the "sweated industries" were another large group.
- Drinking was a favorite leisure activity of the working class.
- Drunkenness often resulted in fights and misery
- But the "drinking problem" declined in the late 19th century; Cafes and pubs became respectable, even for women.
- Pubs became centers for working class politics
- other pastimes included sports and music halls.
- In Europe, church attendance by the working class declined, while in the United States churches thrived as a way to assert ethnic identity.
- By the latenineteenthcentury European urban working classes became less religious and more secular.
- This was partly because of lack of churches, but also because the church was seen as an institution that upheld the power and position of the ruling elites.
- Religious organizations linked with an ethnic group (e.g., Irish and Jewish), and not the state, tended to thrive.
- Social structure
- The changing family
- Premarital sex and marriage
- "Romantic love" had triumphed over economic considerations in the working class by 1850.
- Economic considerations remained important to the middle class.
- Both premarital sex and illegitimacy increased.
- After 1850, illegitimacy decreased, indicating the growing morality and stability of the working class.
- Prostitution
- Men commonly turned to prostitutes because marriages were so often made later in life, especially in the middle and upper classes.
- Brutal sexist behavior was a part of life.
- Kinship ties
- Marriage and family ties were often strong.
- Kinship networks were an important source of mutual support and welfare.
- Gender roles and family life
- The preindustrial pattern of women working outside the home disappeared, except for workingclass women.
- Women became fulltime mothers and homemakers, not wage earners.
- Women were excluded from good jobs; the law placed women in an inferior position.
- A wife in England had no legal identity and no right to own property.
- In France, the Napoleonic Code gave women few legal rights.
- Women struggled for rights.
- Middleclass feminists campaigned for equal legal rights, equal education, access to the professions, and work for women.
- These women scored some victories, but still in Germany in 1900 women were kept out of universities and the professions.
- Socialist women called for the liberation of workingclass women through revolution.
- Meanwhile, women's control and influence in the home increased.
- The wife usually determined how the family's money was spent and made all the major domestic decisions.
- Running the household was complicated and demanding, and many women sacrificed for the welfare and comfort of their husbands.
- The home increased in emotional importance in all social classes; it symbolized shelter from the harsh working world.
- Strong emotional bonds between mothers and children and between wives and husbands developed.
- Child rearing
- The indifference of mothers toward their children came to an end--as mothers developed deep emotional ties with their children.
- There was more breastfeeding and less swaddling and abandonment of babies; fathers were urged to help in child rearing.
- The birthrate declined, so each child became more important and could receive more advantages.
- The main reason for the reduction in family size was the parents' desire to improve the family's economic and social position.
- Children were no longer seen as an economic asset.
- Many children were too controlled by parents, however, and suffered the effects of excessive parental concern.
- Prevailing theories encouraged many parents to think that their own emotional characteristics were passed to their children; thus, they were responsible for any abnormality in the child.
- Parents were obsessed with the child's sexual behavior--particularly the possibility of masturbation.
- Relations between fathers and children were often tense; fathers tended to be very demanding.
- In studying family dynamics, Freud developed his theory of the Oedipal complex: that a son competes with his father for his mother's love.
- Workingclass youths had more avenues of escape from family tensions than middleclass youths.
- The indifference of mothers toward their children came to an end--as mothers developed deep emotional ties with their children.
- Premarital sex and marriage
- Science and thought
- Scientific knowledge expanded rapidly--resulting in new products.
- The triumph of science
- Theoretical discoveries resulted increasingly in practical benefits, as in thermodynamics, chemistry, and electricity.
- Scientific achievements strengthened faith in progress and gave science unrivaled prestige.
- Social science and evolution
- Many thinkers, such as Comte, tried to study society scientifically--using data collected by the government--and find general social laws.
- Comte argued that the third and final stage of knowledge is that of science, or what he called the "positivist method."
- Positivism would allow social scientists to develop a disciplined and harmonic society ruled by science and experts.
- Theories of dynamic development and evolution fascinated the nineteenth century.
- Building on the ideas of Lyell and Lamarck, Charles Darwin theorized that all life had evolved gradually from a common origin through an unending "struggle for survival" that led to the survival of the fittest by natural selection.
- Social Darwinists, such as Herbert Spencer, applied Darwin's ideas to human affairs.
- Many thinkers, such as Comte, tried to study society scientifically--using data collected by the government--and find general social laws.
- Realism in literature
- Realism, which stressed that heredity and environment determined human behavior, replaced romanticism as the dominant literary trend from the 1840s through the 1890s.
- Realist writers, led by Zola, gloried in everyday life, taboo subjects, and the urban working class.
- The realists were strict determinists and believed that human actions were caused by unalterable natural laws.
- Balzac and Flaubert, along with Zola, were the leading French realists.
- Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot) and Hardy in Britain, Tolstoy in Russia, and Dreiser in America were also great realists.